From the Gallery

The easiest way to get started with custom backgrounds is by using one of the options from Felt’s background tool.


Click the background settings icon to see the options:


From a URL

Looking for sources for third-party backgrounds? Check out Where To Find Custom Map Backgrounds.

You can use your own XYZ (“Slippy map”) tiles as a Felt background by specifying a URL. You can also set advanced options like the minimum and maximum zoom levels, so Felt knows when to stop requesting tiles and start to overzoom.

XYZ tile URLs provide a template that Felt can use to request tiles and must contain parameters for specifying the zoom level ({z}), tile row ({x}) and tile column {y}. Felt also supports tiles served in TMS format by specifying a negative tile column parameter {-y}.

background url.gif

<aside> ⚠️ Sharing your map with many viewers may incur in high costs or running out of credits.

Any API keys you include in the tile URL will be visible to all users. In some services, you can prevent other users from using your API keys or access tokens by limiting them to specific domains or URLs.


Simple Color

Sometimes less is more. Remove distractions or create a special look-and-feel by setting a flat color as your background.

background color white.gif